TikTok: the unoriginal platform

And how to take advantage of the unorignality.

TikTok has exploded in popularity over the past few years, with millions of users worldwide creating and sharing short videos set to music.

However, TikTok has its fair share of criticisms. One of the main ones is that it is an unoriginal platform, with users copying and replicating content created by others.

An example is the proliferation of dance trends. Just about every week, a new dance trend goes viral, with users creating their versions and sharing them on the platform.


For instance, the Wednesday dance, named after the Netflix series, was a trend that recently took over TikTok.

While it's great to see people having fun and being creative, it's hard to deny that these dance trends are essentially just people copying each other.

More unoriginal: I have heard that the unoriginality of TikTok may be its great undoing. Yet the platform continues to grow, and it's more than dance that is unoriginal on TikTok. Stunts and pranks are also famous for copying on the platform. 

Celebrities: Even celebrities have been known to get in on the copying action on TikTok, as well as creating their own, many copy and replicate trends and challenges.

This lack of originality can frustrate users and advertisers looking for fresh and innovative content.

How advertisers can take advantage of copying.

So, is TikTok just an unoriginal platform? No. While it's true that there is a lot of copying on the platform, you can take advantage. It's human nature to want to be part of the latest trend or challenge, so people are drawn to copying and replicating.

But there is a way to take advantage of this lack of originality on TikTok: by using vast quantities of Nano influencers. Nano influencers are creators with a relatively small number of followers (usually between 1,000 and 10,000).

Go Nano: Nano creators have a lower price to entry, and if your process allows you to jump on trends quickly, you can use a considerable of them to create and share copied content with your brand message or idea. Users of TikTok who follow a trend (like the Wednesday dance) could be surrounded by your creative.

And by partnering quickly with Nano influencers, you can reach a highly engaged audience in a brief period. 


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