Happiness vs. Gratitude.

I have been thinking a lot about gratitude recently. How to give thanks and to appreciate what you have in life - when so much is being taken away.

Loss has made me think more about what I have.

After some digging, I found and listened to a fascinating podcast through NPR.

We live our lives in the constant pursuit of happiness. Yet if you're chasing happiness, does that mean you're unhappy? I mean, what is happiness? Money? Cars? Houses? Family? Job?

None of the above. They're all superficial, exterior. Happiness is pure inner emotion.

The super exciting point that came clear from the podcast was one singular, driving message: gratitude can drive happiness. If you are a gracious person, happiness will come.


Gratitude is to be thankful for life, opportunities, people, and experiences. To have an awareness of those around you, and being appreciative for and of them, is a considerable step toward happiness.

The pandemic has taught me many things. Firstly, I cut out many (not all) of the negative forces in my life (people, places, things) and began focusing on being as positive as I can ..... and practicing gratitude (practicing is not perfection). In my Twitter feed, for example, I focus on only positive posts and people. And through just merely doing that small act on my Twitter, I have met many incredible humans.

Also, at the beginning of the pandemic, I focused time helping those out of work, to find employment. It was the little things they needed free help with; their LinkedIn profile, their portfolio, and their presentation skills. The simple act of helping also helped my mindset - and help many find great jobs.

Gratitude has changed my family life. We are closer and more relaxed.

Gratitude is the input goal of happiness.

The podcast continued that the more gratitude you show. The more closer to happiness you are.

(The funny thing is, this methodology is similar to how Amazon sets goals: focus on inputs and let the outputs (revenue, results) take care of themselves.)

Back to gratitude. We - you - have a lot of reasons to be thankful. Look around and take the time to understand who and what is incredible in your life. And give thanks for the big and the small.

Me: I am thankful for being surrounded by people who aren't the same as me; it is a beautiful feeling learning about their lives and families. I love to learn and grow, and working at an 'Always Culturally Relevant' company is letting me stretch my wings. I am so grateful for those who have given their time and patience to allow me to continue my journey.

Now You.

Let me know who, what and why you're grateful. Food, people, places, journeys - what's your grateful story?


What tech taught me about business growth.


2021: Courage to Change?