It's Good to Fail

Success is good. Failure is better. 

Most times, things don’t go as planned and that is perfectly fine. That’s great!

For many people, it's easy to give up when things don't work out. Do NOT give up ...because the reality is you're going to fail...a lot. 

But failure doesn’t mean your idea wasn’t valid or that your dream isn’t good enough. Failure simply means there is something to be learned or another direction to be taken. 

Here's why failure is GOOD:  

  1. Failure is a redirection. It shows you where you shouldn't be.

  2. Failure is an opportunity. It's a chance to reevaluate and come back stronger with better reasoning.

  3. Failure is not fatal. No matter how hard it may be, know that failure means you get another shot to try it all again. 

Good leaders know their teams MUST fail. If they don’t, then a leaders’ job is NOT to make it worse and make the team feel horrible. If your leader jumps all over you, you’re in a toxic environment!

Take these failures you will face with grace because you'll learn more in a single failure than in a lifetime of success.  

Each failure is simply feedback of how to perfect your craft. Know that nothing works unless you do and know that what you envisioned will not happen exactly how you thought it would, but that is what makes the distance between where we are and where we want to go so exciting. 

This fearful, grey, undefined space makes life the crazy beautiful awesome journey it is.

So fail and fail often.

Go forth.


Diversity: Change for the Better