Saying No

Words like the word ‘no’ are like a double-edged sword in the hands of the wrong leader.

1) Some leaders misuse it

2) Are afraid to say no.

The higher up you get, it is impossible to please everyone. It’s always a futile effort. And there are numerous benefits to responding in the negative when it’s necessary. Here are some reasons why every leader should learn to say no.

Let your team focus on the core objectives

As a leader in the workplace, you are the captain of the ship. That means that the responsibility for the direction the business is going lies squarely on your shoulders. It is on you to evaluate if the daily decisions you make will steer your business towards those goals. Confronted with ideas that change that course, you should have the courage and conviction to say no.

Allow yourself to focus on your core objectives

Just as entrepreneurs are advised to separate their personal finances from the company’s, so you must separate your own personal goals from the business ones. Keep in mind that caring about your own health is one of the best qualities of a great leader. Many good leaders have sacrificed their health and family at the altar of the job - and that, in the long run, will make them ineffective. Time away from work is important because, amongst other things, it helps you to recharge and get new perspectives that can actually make your work better.

To empower your employees

When you learn to say no, you can create an opportunity for someone else on your team to say yes. The reality is that you cannot do everything yourself.

Let a bad idea die

It is hard to say no because we want to be nice and want to encourage dialogue. But if you receive an idea that will cost money, and will harm the brand - the best thing is to just say no, and say no fast.

It can offer an upside if you offer the employee a clear reason for saying no.Also, it allows them to grow and fail up.

To show your value to clients

When a client hires you, you want to make them happy and what better way to do that than to agree to all their ideas and give them everything that they want. This might make you popular with them but what happens when you come up against a client with an idea that will be harmful to their own business?

How to say no

1) Listen

2) Ask questions

3) Dedicate time to give reasoning

4) End with encouragement (because the next idea might be amazing and you don’t want to stifle ideas)

5) Be clear


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